(This entry was done by voice recognition. Any capitalization errors are reflective on that. Sorry.)

I have major concerns about Wayland and accessibility. The lack of remote desktop solutions is a problem, but I think that the inability to do speech, recognition or other types of assistive technology is going to be the bigger issue in the long run. X11 has some fairly big problems, but assistive technology works in general there.

I suspect that this is one place that Apple and Microsoft will keep a commanding lead, because I think the Wayland issues are design spec, and they have no intention of fixing any of this.

Meanwhile, Microsoft has killed the WSA project and this is going to be a major pain for me. I had used some community tools to install Google apps and backend so that I could get access to the Play Store– I really do not look forward to the idea that I will need go back to trusting a third-party Android implementation from a fly-by-night company, like most of the existing Android emulators for windows. Google doesn’t seem to be too interested in expanding their gaming platform to support regular apps on windows so that’s not going to be much of an option. I wonder how long WSA will run before it eventually fails or if there will be a fork from the community for that matter.

I was using WSA for a variety of tasks, including managing IOT devices that had Android/iOS app support. I have been preparing for at least a decade now for the idea that I would eventually lose a lot of use of my hands. That included, unfortunately, some IOT devices – I’m not a huge fan of IOT, but it’s been my experience that when my health deteriorates, voice commands are about the only real option I have.

I really need to look into what options are available going forward from here. Not just to replace WSA, but also for other assistive technologies that may be able to help me continue to type without typing.

And no, buying a Mac is not an option. Way too expensive.

If anyone reading this has any ideas on where I should be looking, then please let me know.

There have to be some good options out there somewhere.